
Showing posts from 2019

1st Quarter Reflections

The 1st quarter of school is over and here are some things that I liked and didn’t like. At first I really struggled opening my locker lock because I did not have a lock for my locker in elementary school, so it took some time getting used to. Another thing I didn't really like is that we have to use passes and this isn’t just for the 1st quarter because we get them every new quarter, I just don’t like that we have to use them every time we go out in the hallway. Some things I did like was I made new friends and I got really good grades in science.

plans for the weekend

This weekend I don't think I am going to do anything but I want to hang out with my friends if I am free and on Tuesday for school we have a half day so if Im not doing anything that day then I might just hang out with friends after school and go somewhere with them.

Climate change speeches

Today I watched the video of Greta Thunberg's speech and I just realized how serious climate change. Today in school we are also doing a climate change strike. Basically we are going to the park and certain people and going to give speeches and some people made posters.